rsync -a --stats /src/ /dst/ -a = -r (recursive), -l, -p (permissions), -t (times), -g, -o, -D other usefull options: -n = trial run -h = human readable output --progress (shows progression) -i = itemised change list -v = verbose -vv = extra verbose -u = update: only overwrite files with older mtimes To use --exclude-from=filename filename has to be in the same directory as where the command is run and needs the following lines ------- - dir1/ - dir2/ ---- which will exclude processing of /src/dir1/ and /src/dir2/ troubleshoot this with -vv To rsync to a remote machine: rsync -a /src/dir/ -e ssh to sync from a remote machine: rsync -a -e ssh /dst/dir/ To copy a whole machine, rsync -a -h --stats --exclude=proc/ --exclude=home/ --exclude=/sys/ -e ssh /dst/dir/ If rsync gives io / data stream type errors, make sure the computer on the other side has rsync, or it won't work.
run from ( was rsync server)
rsync -caRvuz --stats -e ssh --delete /usr/store/ razor@
run from ( was rsync server)
rsync -caRvuz --stats -e ssh root@ /import/wipstore/
files /etc/rsyncd.conf
Rsync USG People NV # rsync -a /home/sites/ -e ssh root@ # password: xxxxxxx
When using rsync over ssh, make sure both machines have rsync installed or it won't work.
Take care of the "/"es and the relative paths. Note in the following everything from 192.168.09:/home/ is copied into /mnt/home/ with the exclusion of /home/sites/ and /home/sites/ There are is no / before the path of the exclude and none after the destination dir.
rsync -a -h --stats --exclude=sites/ --exclude=sites/ -e ssh root@ /mnt/