Deep Learning
AI Playbook by Andreessen Horowitz
An MIT Press book
Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville
Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms
Learn TensorFlow and deep learning, without a Ph.D.
Script to figure out what an space_action is doing
action = 0 # modify this! o = env.reset() for i in xrange(5): # repeat one action for five times o = env.step(action)[0] IPython.display.display( Image.fromarray( o[:,140:142] # extract your bat ).resize((300, 300)) # bigger image, easy for visualization )
From here
in vim the following:
Useful file manipulation
jq . filename (for jason queries)
wc -l filename (counts amount of lines)
head -n 10 filename > filename2 (sends top 10 lines of code to filename2)
NB. sed can't find and replace newlines as it encapsulates the file being streamed and gets rid of the newlines.