Debian Standard Packages to install afterwards
After a standard install of debian, these packages still need installing.
apt-get install vim mc iproute hal atsar sysstat systune snmpd ncftp postfix fail2ban nscd
vim-tiny is installed by debian by default. This is horrible, and which is why we install vim first!
/etc/default/sysstat: turn ENABLED="true"
/etc/default/snmpd: get rid of from SNMPDOPTS
vi /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: change the community names
nscd is only usefull for servers not running bind themselves
vi /etc/fail2ban/jail.conf
chane ignoreip maybe bantime and destemail too
might need apt-get install resolvconf but I don't like it much
vi /etc/
set PURGE_DENY = 1w and ADMIN_EMAIL = and SMTP_FROM = Denyhosts $machinename <nobody@localhost>
Also, if a host keeps getting denied, you can stop it from going in the /etc/hosts.deny file by putting the IP address into a line in /var/lib/denyhosts/allowed-hosts