Outlook 2019
Set different username from email address
Outlook 2019 doesn't allow you to easily set a different username from your email address. The solution is here, which is to run
outlook.exe /manageprofiles
I found outlook.exe in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16
Server settings
More settings
Outgoing Server tab: My Outgoing Server requires authentication on
Advanced tab:
Security type: STARTTLS Port: 143
Hostname: mail.edgarbv.com Security Type: STARTTLS Port: 587
Moving the OST file
The regedit system doesn't seem to work. The symlink does, but might need a few outlook restarts before it takes.
This is done using a symbolic link. Move the ost file to the new location, open an elevated command prompt and:
mklink "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\robin@edgarbv.com.ost" "G:\Outlook\robin@edgarbv.com.ost"
This will create a .symlink file in the old location.
Working with Google Calendars
In Google Calendar, click the 3 dots next to the calendar name on the left and open Settings. Scroll down to Integrate Calendar and find the Secret address in iCal format. Copy this and go to Outlook calendars. Right click on the text "My Calendars" and select Add calendar -> From Internet. Paste the address.