rsync -a -h --stats -v /src/ /dst/ is the standard. -a = archive flag, which implies -r (recursive), -t (preserve filetimes), -p (permissions), -l, -g -o -D. Usefull to throw in: -n = trial run --stats = show some statistics -h = human readable output -i = itemised change list -vv = extra information whilst running To use --exclude-file=filename in filename (which has to be in the dir you're running the command from) you can put --- - Directory1/ - Directory2/ ---- which will exclude: /src/Directory1/ /src/Directory2/ Troubleshoot this with -vv =======
run from ( was rsync server)
rsync -caRvuz --stats -e ssh --delete /usr/store/ razor@
run from ( was rsync server)
rsync -caRvuz --stats -e ssh root@ /import/wipstore/
files /etc/rsyncd.conf