HP Reverb G2 V2

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First time setup

You need to install Windows Mixed Reality from the Windows App Store. Also install OpenXR Tools for Mixed Reality.

In Steam install SteamVR. SteamVR allows you to play games, even if they were not bought in the Steam Store (eg in the Epic store). You will also need to install Windows Mixed Reality for Steam. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/enthusiast-guide/using-steamvr-with-windows-mixed-reality.

Use OpenXR

From your computer, open the SteamVR app

Head to Settings

Select Show in Advanced Settings

Head to the Developer tab

Set Current OpenXR runtime as "OpenXR runtime"

OpenXR ToolkitQuickstart, FS2020 settings, much more information

Sign up for betas

This is advised by Microsoft in their guide https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/mixed-reality/enthusiast-guide/using-steamvr-with-windows-mixed-reality

In Steam, use the drop-down under the Library menu to filter to Tools.

In the list, right-click SteamVR and select Properties.

Select the Betas tab.

Opt in to "beta - public beta" and select Close to confirm. The beta access code field should be left blank.

In Steam, use the drop-down under the Library menu to filter to Software.

In the list, right-click Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR and select Properties.

Select the Betas tab.

Opt in to "beta - public beta" and select Close to confirm. The beta access code field should be left blank.

Controller shortcuts

Open Flashlight / Passthrough mode

windows (shortpress) then grip (thumb)


wmr platform which has a “flashlight” that you can activate by pressing the windows button and selecting “flashlight on” or you can just say “flashlight on” or “flashlight off” if the mic is enabled

You have to aim your controllers at the spot you want to look at.

If you set the controller down on a table (place it on the ring) it will expand the circle so you can see a larger area. Meant so you can access your physical keyboard, but works for anything

Also if you launch Flashlight from the start menu, it will place the circle at the center of your gaze, not the controllers

Turn on controllers

long press windows button


green dot indicators by clock in SteamVR menu

These indicate the battery level of each controller

Graphics settings

Motion Reprojection

With it entirely off there is a bit of stuttering, but detail clarity is very sharp. With it on motion is fluid

Disable overlays

- Epic: C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Launcher\Portal\Extras\Overlay and rename or move the two files:



- Steam: settings>In Game>Enable Steam Overlay while in-game UNCHECK

- XBOX: Disable the Xbox Game Bar overlay (yes on windows) Enter windows settings from the start menu, Select Gaming -> Xbox Game Bar -> Toggle the overlay to the off position

to try

supersampling off

use the USB adapter

don't use auto resolution

disable steam home in steamvr settings

external links


https://www.reddit.com/r/SteamVR/comments/bla8ze/what_does_advanced_super_sampling_filter_do_in/ Advanced Super Sampling Filter explanation

External Apps

https://store.steampowered.com/app/908520/fpsVR/ - fpsVR - shows you all the stuff you need to know to optimise fps (cpu / gpu temps etc)

https://www.reddit.com/r/WindowsMR/comments/m7q7p3/wmr_traytool_info_and_support_thread/ - WMR Traytool - So far it can start/stop your WMR headset device to bring it into a deeper sleep mode which consume less power, your headset stay cooler and the WMR Portal will never ever start by itself in that mode. You can start/stop, if you wish, SteamVR and the Oculus Service when you start/stop your WMR headset. You also can tweak some Registry settings, that are not changeable outside of the Registry editor. For example you can switch of the three virtual monitors that are created every time when you start WMR Portal. Also you can change the standby mode of your headset so it do not stop your VR apps anymore. And there is more (see pictures below).

https://github.com/matzman666/OpenVR-InputEmulator/ - OpenVR Input Emulator - change the controller offsets

https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive - Revive - Allows you to play (quite a lot of) Oculus exclusive games

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1173510/XSOverlay/ - XSOverlay - XSOverlay is a Desktop Overlay application for OpenVR. This means that you can access your desktop, or specific applications, and interact with them however you'd like to.

https://store.steampowered.com/app/457550/Bigscreen_Beta/ - Bigscreen Beta - a better media player

https://www.vr-toolbox.com/guide - VR Toolbox - create your own virtual room / home / space



not enough virtual memory can be a problem

https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/crash-to-desktop-without-error-message/130085 - limit fps in nvidia control panel

https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/crash-to-desktop-without-error-message/130085/3244 - The HP Reberb G2 goes to sleep after a while despite the change in the registry, and to have prevent the sleep in the device manager. I switch it to VR and it starts again. We are now at 4 hours of flight. And 0 CTD In Device Manager → Universal Serial Bus (USBs) controller go through each device and in the “Power Management Options” tab uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device”. SteamVR settigns Startup/Shudown

https://www.reddit.com/r/HPReverb/comments/xo5v2z/holographicshell_processwindows_11_performance/ - Run cmd/terminal and paste 'logman query HolographicShell -ets' to see if it's running. If it is, end it using 'logman stop HolographicShell -ets' and check

Can't see steamVR settings - click on icon in taskbar, right click on settings window, select 'move' use the keyboard arrows to move it to main display

https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/fix-elite-dangerous-crashing-on-pc/ Elite dangerous crashes

https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/elite-dangerous-odyssey-is-unstable-and-crashes-solved.592733/ Elite dangerous crashes in Odyssey

https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/kbsfbk/small_guide_to_vr_settings_for_elite_dangerous/ Elite dangerous settings guide

https://www.reddit.com/r/HPReverb/comments/l9ur9n/3080_hp_reverb_g2_steam_vr_crashes_on_all_games/ 080 + HP Reverb G2 = Steam VR Crashes on all games?

External links

HP Reverb G2 - Improvements