Displaying X windows applications on a Windows desktop
Setting the X11 display to show X applications under Win2k
Start up X-Win32 / Xming and an XDMCP / broadcast session. Make sure the server you are going to run the application from has permissions in the X-server (for Xming it's in the X0.hosts file)
Before you putty into the machine make sure you go to connection -> SSH -> X11 and set Enable X11 forwarding on.
Make sure the machine with the program on it (eg. /usr/games/tuxeyes) has xdm installed, and has open ports on the firewall (eg /etc/shorewall/rules:
ACCEPT fw loc tcp x11
ACCEPT fw loc udp x11
run the program :)
Alternatively in a terminal window ssh in using the -X or -Y options, eg
ssh -X user@ipofserver or ssh -Y user@ipofserver
If you want to run the entire desktop you can run xfce4-session (Assuming the server has an xfce desktop installed)
Xming.exe: client 4 rejected from IP
Edit: X0.hosts (c:\program files*86)\xming\ in the installation directory)
add the ip you want allow. my X0.hosts
Restart Xming.
Alternatives to X-Win:
XWinLogon Win32 X Server
NB To do this in a linux desktop just
ssh -XC user@ip
Depreciated and insecure (manually setting the export environment)!
Putty into the machine you're running stuff off: