Outlook 2019
Set different username from email address
Outlook 2019 doesn't allow you to easily set a different username from your email address. The solution is here, which is to run
outlook.exe /manageprofiles
I found outlook.exe in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16
Server settings
More settings
Outgoing Server tab: My Outgoing Server requires authentication on
Advanced tab:
Security type: STARTTLS Port: 143
Hostname: mail.edgarbv.com Security Type: STARTTLS Port: 587
Moving the OST file
The regedit system doesn't seem to work. The symlink does, but might need a few outlook restarts before it takes.
This is done using a symbolic link. Move the ost file to the new location, open an elevated command prompt and:
mklink "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\robin@edgarbv.com.ost" "G:\Outlook\robin@edgarbv.com.ost"
This will create a .symlink file in the old location.