Jq json file manipulation

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viewing the top level structure for all objects

jq '[path(..)|map(if type=="number" then "[]" else tostring end)|join(".")|split(".[]")|join("[]")]|unique|map("."+.)|.[]' first10-10.json
jq -c 'path(..)|[.[]|tostring]|join("/")' first10-10.json
jq 'path(recurse(if type|. == "array" or . =="object" then .[] else empty end))' first10-10.json
jq '.[]|path(..)' first10-10.json
jq '.[]|keys' filename

Alternatively show_struct.py from https://github.com/ilyash/show-struct shows the structure with a description and the filled in object.

viewing the top level structure for the first object

jq '.[0]|keys' filename

viewing the top level structure for the third object

jq '.[2]|keys' filename

viewing the first key for the first object

jq '.[0] |  keys | .[0] filename

Getting the subkeys (when you know there are subkeys)

jq '.[0].data|keys' filename

selecting a specific item (from the top level)

jq '.[] | select(.id=bla)' filename

getting specific data from a subkey

jq '.[0].id' filename
jq '.[].data.category.name' filename | sort -u


