Subversion Howto

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Revision as of 14:37, 29 October 2008 by Red (talk | contribs)
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TortoiseSVN manual Nightly build of the manual (especially chapter 5 + are interesting for using TortoiseSVN)

Create a new repository:

In W:\websites\Admin\subs\ make a new directory with the project name (eg. test) Right click on test and choose 'create repository here' This creates a directory with conf/, db/, hooks/, locks/, format and README.txt You can then surf to to see the repo in the browser. (it will be empty) Then import the standard structure. Find the directory '0 Naam van opdracht' and right click on it. Choose TortoiseSVN -> Import... and put in the url of the repository ( This creates revision 1. To work with the repository you need to check out the repository to your working copy.

Making a working copy:

make a directory wip on your local hd, eg. d:\wip\ Inside that directory make a directory with the same name as the project you will check out into it, eg: d:\wip\test right click on the directory and choose 'SVN Checkout...'

In the URL of repository put the location of the repository ( and make sure it goes to the right destination URL.

Then in d:\wip\test\ you will find the files and directories of '0 Naam van opdracht'. This is where you do all your work!

Adding files to the repository:

In the working copy, create a new file. Right click on the file, TortoiseSVN -> Add. You can add files by copying them into the directory as well: either select all the files and right-click-drag them in and then choose 'SVN Add files to this WC', or normally drag them in, select them in the working copy and then right click, TortoiseSVN -> Add.

Server Side:


<Location /svn>

 DAV svn
 SVNParentPath /export/home/wip/websites/Admin/subs/


This will enable SVN on the server. Adding the following inside the <Location> tags above allows for PAM authentication using libapache-mod-auth-pam

 # Added for PAM authentication
 AuthType Basic
 # To silence error msg in /var/log/*error.log
 AuthUserFile /dev/null
 # It seems if below is off, Zend causes "zend_mm_heap corrupted" errors in the apache error log
 AuthPAM_FallThrough off
 AuthName "SubversionRepository"
 AuthPAM_Enabled on
 require valid-user
 require group designers
 # Required to get mod_auth_pam working in apache > 2.0 
 AuthBasicAuthoritative off
 Satisfy all

You also need to add the user www-data to the group shadow: adduser www-data shadow

wiki source another source subversion FAQ

keywords: subversion, svn, SVN