C parser for .qxd files
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/* Q -- A simple parser for Quark Express 4.1 files Copyright (C) 2001 Frans Faase This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. GNU General Public License: http://home.wxs.nl/~faase009/GNU.txt */ #include <stdio.h> #define DUMP_BLOCK(X) /*printf X*/ #define DUMP_TRAIL(X) /*printf X*/ #define DUMP_FORMAT(X) /*printf X*/ typedef int bool; #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 typedef unsigned char byte; typedef unsigned short word; typedef unsigned long lword; byte *buf; lword flen = 0L; lword fpos = 0L; lword glword(lword *rpos) { lword pos = *rpos; lword b1 = buf[pos++], b2 = buf[pos++], b3 = buf[pos++], b4 = buf[pos++]; *rpos = pos; return b1 + (b2 << 8) + (b3 << 16) + (b4 << 24); } word gword(lword *rpos) { lword pos = *rpos; lword b1 = buf[pos++], b2 = buf[pos++]; *rpos = pos; return b1 + (b2 << 8); } lword blockend; void skip(lword *rpos) { if (*rpos == blockend) { long nextblock; printf("At %0X ", *rpos); nextblock = glword(rpos); if (nextblock < 0) { word nrblocks; *rpos = (-nextblock) * 256 - 256; nrblocks = gword(rpos); blockend = *rpos - 2 + 256 * nrblocks - 4; } else { *rpos = nextblock * 256 - 256; blockend = *rpos + 256 - 4; } DUMP_BLOCK(("\nStart new block at %8X till %8X\n", *rpos, blockend)); } } lword xlword(lword *rpos, lword lines[], int nr_lines) { lword w1, w2; skip(rpos); w1 = gword(rpos); skip(rpos); w2 = gword(rpos); return (w2 << 16) | w1; } word xword(lword *rpos, lword lines[], int nr_lines) { skip(rpos); return gword(rpos); } main () { FILE *f = fopen("p2.qxd", "r"); word blnr = 0; buf = (byte*)malloc(500000); flen = fread(buf, 1, 500000, f); fclose(f); printf("Length = %ld bytes\n",flen); while (fpos < 55 * 256) { int i; printf("%4d %06x ", blnr, fpos); blnr++; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { byte ch = buf[fpos]; fpos++; if (i < 30) if (ch >= ' ' && ch < 126) printf(" %c", ch); else printf("%02X", (word)ch); } printf("\n"); } printf("--------------\n"); while (fpos < flen) { int i; lword code; lword len; word nr; lword line[1000]; lword linelen[1000]; lword nr_a; word acode[1000]; lword apos[1000]; lword nr_b; word bcode[1000]; lword bpos[1000]; lword nr_char; int ai; lword atill; int bi, bit; lword btill; printf("\n%4d %06x ", fpos / 256, fpos); blnr++; blockend = fpos + 256 - 4; code = glword(&fpos); printf("code = %ld\n", code); len = glword(&fpos); nr = len / 6; DUMP_FORMAT(("%08X %d\n", len, nr)); bit = 0; if (nr <= 0 || nr >= 100) { printf("%ld", nr); return; } for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { line[i] = xlword(&fpos, line, i); linelen[i] = xword(&fpos, line, i); DUMP_FORMAT(("\n %08X %d", line[i], linelen[i])); } { lword chcount = 0L; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { int j; lword lpos = line[i]*256 - 256; for (j = 0; j < linelen[i]; j++) { chcount++; if (buf[lpos++] == 0x0D) { DUMP_FORMAT(("\n paragraph of %X charaters", chcount)); bpos[bit++] = chcount; chcount = 0L; } } } DUMP_FORMAT(("\n paragraph of %X charaters", chcount)); bpos[bit++] = chcount; } nr_a = xlword(&fpos, line, nr); DUMP_FORMAT(("\n nr a = %ld", nr_a)); for (i = 0; i < nr_a / 6; i++) { acode[i] = xword(&fpos, line, nr); apos[i] = xlword(&fpos, line, nr); DUMP_FORMAT(("\n a: %08X %d", apos[i], acode[i])); } nr_b = xlword(&fpos, line, nr); DUMP_FORMAT(("\n nr b = %ld", nr_b)); for (i = 0; i < nr_b / 6; i++) { lword expos; bcode[i] = xword(&fpos, line, nr); expos = xlword(&fpos, line, nr); if (expos != bpos[i]) { printf("!!! pos : %X, expect %X found %X\n", fpos - 4, bpos[i], expos); return 1; } DUMP_FORMAT(("\n b: %08X %d", bpos[i], bcode[i])); } DUMP_FORMAT(("\n")); nr_char = 0; ai = 0; bi = 0; while (fpos % 256) { byte b = buf[fpos++]; if (b != 0) printf("!!! At %08X have %d\n", fpos, b); } printf("\n"); if (bi < nr_b / 6) { printf("<P%d>", bcode[bi]); btill = nr_char + bpos[bi]; } if (ai < nr_a / 6) { printf("<C%d>", acode[ai]); atill = nr_char + apos[ai]; } for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { int j; lword lpos = line[i]*256 - 256; for (j = 0; j < linelen[i]; j++) { byte ch = buf[lpos++]; if (nr_char == atill) { printf("</C%d>", acode[ai]); ai++; if (ai < nr_a / 6) { printf("<C%d>", acode[ai]); atill = nr_char + apos[ai]; } } if (nr_char == btill) { printf("</P%d>", bcode[bi]); bi++; if (bi < nr_b / 6) { printf("<P%d>", bcode[bi]); btill = nr_char + bpos[bi]; } } nr_char++; if (ch >= ' ' && ch < 126) printf("%c", ch); else printf("(%02X)", (unsigned int)ch); } if (j < 256) DUMP_TRAIL(("-- %d\n",j)); for (; j < 256; j++) { byte b = buf[lpos++]; DUMP_TRAIL(("%02X ", b)); } DUMP_TRAIL(("\n")); if (lpos > fpos) fpos = lpos; } if (nr_char == atill) { printf("</C%d>", acode[ai]); } if (nr_char == btill) { printf("</P%d>", bcode[bi]); } if (nr_a / 6 - ai != 1 || nr_b / 6 - bi != 1) printf("-- %d %d\n", nr_a / 6 - ai, nr_b / 6 - bi); } }