Changing homepage to not show summary

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The quick summary is called a Teaser

  1. click Administer > Structure > Content types.
  2. click the "Manage display" link for the content type you wish to edit
  3. click "Custom Display Settings" to drop down its settings
  4. make sure "Teaser" is enabled. Save the content type if you had to make a should see a "Teaser" sub-tab. Click it.
  5. make sure the Format is set to "Summary or trimmed".
  6. click the gear widget on the right side of the settingsset the trim length and click "Update"


  1. make sure the Format is set to 'default'
  2. click the "Save" button

Then create the homepage, in Menu Settings remove the 'provide menu link' option.

In URL path settings Alias it to: Home

In Configuration -> System -> Front page put Default front page to: Home

In mulitlingual homepages you have to change the variable for homepage node to mulilingual