Configuring the RaQ from the LCD panel

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You access each of these functions by holding down the (select) button on
the LCD console for approximately two seconds. This action causes the LCD
screen to enter its function mode. Press the button until the function you
want appears on the LCD screen. To cancel the LCD function mode, select the
function when it appears on the screen. Press the (enter) button and

Changing network configuration
To reset the IP address or change the network configuration of the Network 1
1.On the LCD console, hold down the S for approximately
2 seconds.
The LCD screen displays:
2.Press the E button.
3.Enter the IP addreusss ing the arrow buttons. The left and right arrow buttons
move the cursor position to the left or right. The up and down arrow buttons
increase or decrease the digit at the cursor position.
4.Press the E button.
5.Enter the Netmask using the arrow buttons.
6.Press the E button.
7.Enter the Gawteay using the arrow buttons.
8.Press the E button.
9.Use the arrow buttons to toggle the cursor between [S]ave and [C]ancel
10.Press the E button.
If you select the Save option, the RaQ 4 reboots using the new network
configuration. If you select Cancel, you return to step 1 of this procedure.