Starting the server:
/opt/Funambol/bin/funambol start
Setting up the init script:
cp $FUNAMBOL_HOME/bin/funambol /etc/init.d/funambol
Open the newly copied script in a text editor and change the following line:
FUNAMBOL_HOME=`(cd .. ; pwd)`
This points the script to the absolute location of your installation.
Create a symbolic link to your rc3.d directory using this command:
ln -s /etc/init.d/funambol /etc/rc3.d/S30funambol
Testing the server
lynx http://localhost:8080/funambol
If you get a tomcat 404 then
/opt/Funambol/bin/funambol start
mv /opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat/webapps/funambol.war /tmp
mv /tmp/funambol.war /opt/Funambol/tools/tomcat/webapps
Public IP address (ch.5.2)
1. Log in to the Data Synchronization Service with the Administration Tool (see section 4.2). 2. Expand the server tree and double-click Server Settings and locate the Server URI property. 3. Enter the IP address or hostname assigned to the Data Synchronization Service, in the following format: http://<server name or IP address>:<server port>/funambol/ds The default port number for Funambol is 8080. 4. Click Save. The Output Message pane will display a confirmation message. Note: After changing the URI, you can test the availability of your Funambol Server from outside your network by starting a browser and entering the server’s public address in either of the following formats: • http://<your_IP_address>:<port_number>/funambol/ • http://<your_server_name>:<port_number>/funambol/
What's important about users and devices (ch. 6 / 7 / 8)
User = a userid + password. They have devices
Devices = nokia phone, outlook client
Pincipal = link between users and devices. Using principals multiple users can share a device or users can have multiple devices
Users are added automagically when they connect their device to the service.
PIM Listener:
/opt/Funambol/bin/pim-listener start | stop (ch.10)
Push server:
/opt/Funambol/bin/ctp-server start | stop (ch.11)
Email only syncs inboxes if POP, full sync with folders if IMAP
First connect to the webdemo at Log in as guest / guest. Add a contact and a calendar entry.
Start the local java plugin demo /opt/Funambol/plug-ins/javademo/bin/
Synchronise in the demo client and the entries added in the web client should appear in the java client. (ch. 14)