How to click buttons with changing IDs (partial ID match)

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using an xpath you can find partial content, eg if there is a random string at the end --Ws63SSw using contains

In some ckeditor fields, you may need to XClick the field first and only then do the editContent on

     "Command": "XClick",
     "Target": "xpath=//*[contains(@id, 'edit-field-page-content-0-subform-field-body-wrapper--')]",
     "Value": "",
     "Description": "klik editveld"
     "Command": "editContent",
     "Target": "xpath=//*[contains(@id, 'edit-field-page-content-0-subform-field-body-wrapper--')]/div/div/div/div/div[2]/div",
     "Value": "${LocatieNaamVar}",
     "Description": "stop data in veld"