IBM Thinkpad T61

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US machines have a limitation in that they can't detect channels 12, 13 and 14

You can change this behaviour without changing the hardware:

For Ad Hoc (IBSS) it only allows channels 1 thru 11. However, you can fiddle it with this key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002bE10318}\##AdapterNumber## where ##AdapterNumber## is a number like 0000, 0001, 0002, etc.

find your ##AdapterNumber##, and then change the key ChannelMaskBand24G or ChannelMaskBand24B to 3FFF

If the number you have inthere is already bigger than 3FFF (in binary this is 14 ones), leave it.

Something changes the ChannelMaskBand24G number back to 7FF or something else at some stage (like when you shut down/start again), but at least for a while you can then select, in the card driver's setup, channels 1 thru 14 for IBSS mode.

Installing Debian w compiz on the T61

make sure in tasksel it's installed as a laptop and desktop environment.

Because it has an Nvidia Quadro NVS 140M graphics card you need to patch the kernel.

apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings nvidia-kernel nvidia-kernel-source

in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-source/README.Debian it tells you how to patch your kernel.

make sure you

adduser user video

for the user who wants to use 3D effects.

to test if OpenGL is working run glxinfo or one of the other glx programs. NB. You must be running that as the user who is running the x-session, or you won't be able to open the display!

apt-get install compiz libgl1-mesa-dri

and also dselect to find more plugins to install.

In order to get compiz running you have to open a terminal and run

compiz --replace &

If you want to start up standard with compiz do

echo "export WINDOW_MANAGER=/usr/bin/compiz" >> ~/.gnomerc

The xscreensavers package adds a whole load of cool screensavers.

Some usefull hotkeys for Compiz:

  1. Switch desktops on cube: Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
  2. Switch desktops on cube - with active window following: Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
  3. Rotate cube manually: Ctrl + Alt + left-click
  4. Zoom-in once: Super-key + right-click
  5. Zoom-in manually: Super-key + wheel mouse up
  6. Zoom-out manually: Super-key + wheel mouse down
  7. Move window: Alt + left-click
  8. Slow-motion: Shift + F10
  9. Transparency: Put mouse cursor over the window then press Alt + wheel mouse down
  10. Expose effect: Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow or Point the mouse in top right at screen
  11. Take screenshot: Super-key + left-click drag

from here

remapping the pageup / pagedown / forward / next keys

in ~/.bashrc

xmodmap -e 'keycode 167=Next'
xmodmap -e 'keycode 166=Prior'