Popups and private windows

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new windows

Command: openWindow
Target: http://www.somewhere.com/page.html
Value: WindowName

Command: selectWindow
Target: name=WindowName

Command: open
Target: /page.html

NB if you have multiple tests running after each other in a suite, each starting with an openWindow you need to ensure that Firefox allows popups for the site by adding it to the blocked popup exceptions in Edit -> Preferences -> Content -> Add popup exception

private windows

First open the popup:

Command: runScript
Target: javascript{link='http://kenjelocatie.test.local/login-default.html';window.open(link,"testwindow","private=yes, menubar=yes, location=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, titlebar=yes, status=yes")}

Then pause a bit Then:

Command: openWindow
Value: testwindow

Switch to the window

Command: selectWindow
Target: name=testwindow