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LibreElec / OpenElec

Both run Kodi media centre. OpenElec is run by one guy, isn't updated much any more and seems to have lost the race from community fork LibreElec


installation instructions

You can find a whole load of settings files in:




login as user: root pass: libreelec / openelec




wiki link here

Menu speed

Turn off Extract thumbnail and video information from System => Settings => File lists

Turn off the RSS feed in System => Settings => Appearance.

Improving stutter

To ensure your Raspberry Pi can keep up in fast moving complex scenes you need to set the refresh rate of your monitor to match that of the video. To achieve this head over to System => Settings => Videos => Playback and set Adjust display refresh rate to match video to Always. Now fast moving scenes will play without glitches or stuttering because XBMC no longer has to pull up the refresh rate to 50 or 60 Hz.The only downside is the slightly increased chance of interference patterns. But these are still far less annoying than shocking movement in scenes.

Using a raspberry pi 1 ALSO 1080p MKV files stutter like hell. The solution is to mount the NAS using NFS, see below!

and here for stuff about changing the buffering, but that shouldn't be necessary if you're mounting properly using NFS

Mounting with NFS

Also see here mount stuff in:

mount -t nfs /storage/INVADERvideos/ -o udp,noatime,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,nolock,nfsvers=3

NB The udp option could be causing problems, so try dropping it if it does. Instead use noatime,nolock,vers=4 as options See here for source

Note: You also need to give permissions on the NFS server :) See [2] for Synology instructions. NB Because the synology has permissions set per IP, set the ip of the sleepypi to or change sharing permissions on the synology.

Note: You don't need the mount options on a raspberry pi 2 or 3. They will cause stutter if you are chaining switches (I had two Netgear switches between the NAS and the pi and this caused huge amounts of buffering, which I didn't have with only one switch)

To remount at boot, don't use fstab (it's readonly), but either:

Using systemd

make sure /storage/INVADERvideos exists :)


Description=mount INVADER Videos



After running this you need to enable the mount

systemctl enable storage-INVADERvideos.mount

NB in the example it says servicectl this is wrong it needs to be systemctl!

Using autostart.sh

This method is depreciated! vi /storage/.config/autostart.sh

(sleep 30; \
mount -t nfs /storage/NAS -o nolock; \

chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh

Autostart scripts

vi /storage/.config/autostart.sh

(sleep 30; \
stuff you want run; \

chmod +x /storage/.config/autostart.sh

exclude a directory from scanning

right click the directory, change type to 'none' and then you can select exclude from scan

Add ons

How to Install Cartoon HD for Kodi v17 Krypton

First, we will start with the Krypton version of Kodi.

   Start by opening Kodi.
   From the home screen, double click on the folder icon. The next screen is the File Manager. When you see the list, scroll down until you see Add source heading. Double click on that heading.
   By doing so, you’ll see a box pop up that says Add file source.
   Next, click on the highlighted line that says <None>.
   You will now be prompted to enter the web address.
   Enter exactly http://xunitytalk.me/xfinity and hit the Done button.
   This addon needs a name. Enter the name xfinity or whatever you want to call it.
   Now, click the OK button to add the file.
   Once added, return to the home screen, and select Add-ons. You should see the icon of an opened box with an arrow pointing inside. Go ahead and click on it. This is the addon browser screen. Select Install from zip file.
   Click on xfinity, and then select XunityTalk_Repository.
   Wait for the notification message.
   Now, click on Install from repository.
   You’ll want to look for the addon that says Cartoon HD.
   Wait for the notification message.
   Return home and go to Add-Ons > Videos > Cartoon HD to launch the addon.

Superrepo an index with loads of other repositories and addons

Mash Up

resolveURL fork which fixes a lot of dependency requirements for addons. Once added, return to the home screen, and select Add-ons. You should see the icon of an opened box with an arrow pointing inside. Go ahead and click on it. This is the addon browser screen. Select Install from zip file. Drill into the directories for covenant untill you find the zip file.


Covenant To install, download the zip and unzip it. Then install from zip




XBMCTR Dream-Clup addon

XBMCTR forum

XBMCTR scraper

Codec keys:

Thank you for purchasing codec license keys from the Raspberry Pi Store.To enable codecs on your device(s), add the following lines to the config.txt file in the FAT partition of your SD card:

mount -o remount,rw /flash

nano /flash/config.txt

Make your changes, then ctrl+x to save.

mount -o remount,ro /flash


Pi v1



Pi v3



If you want to verify that the codecs are now enabled, the following commands will report their status:

vcgencmd codec_enabled MPG2

vcgencmd codec_enabled WVC1

Regards The Raspberry Pi Foundation



lsusb - shows you if the device is there

Bus 001 Device 007: ID 0a12:0001 Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode)

bluetoothctl - opens a control panel to help play with your bluetooth device. Use help for commands.

list - lists the controller

show - shows the statusses

scan on - scans for devices

devices - shows you the devices it has found

you can also use hcitool - it has a few more options

hcitool scan

rebooting a LOT helps a lot on the pi!

disabling subtitles

Run a video from the library.
Press ENTER to show the OSD menu (On-Screen-Display)
Select the Sound icon
Go to the 7th line for enabling/disabling subtitles.
Scroll to the bottom of the same page, and set as default for all (library) movies. 

Controlling the device through your TV remote

In order for the Pulse CEC to work on LG TVs you need to enable Simplink (Settings -> All settings -> General -> Simplink (HDMI-CEC)


The system needs to be running Tvheadend which takes the input from a DVB card and moves it to XBMC Live TV. It's configured through a web interface. In the Howto's there's a section on Ziggo that may apply to UPC as well.


DVB-C = cable DVB-S or S2 = satellite DVB-T or T2 = terrestrial

A list of linux (and therefore XBMC compatible) hardware is to be found on the LinuxTV wiki

Standard you need a DVB-C card with a CI interface. Some DVB-T boxen also have DVB-C compatibility and a CI card.

The HDHomeRun with TVHeadEnd is your best bet, but unfortunately this is not CI+ certified. So far, nothing is, as CI+ was developed to stop people from watching TV on their PCs.

You can find a list of raspberry pi verified peripherals at here

Help links

XBMC Raspberry Pi FAQ

XBMC Community forum