Logitech G940 HOTAS
Although released in 2009, it remains one of the few force feedback sticks, due possibly to patent trolling from Immersion Corporation afterwards.
Logitech - as Logitech does - released a few software versions and stopped support in 2010. You can still download the latest driver (5.10.127) from Logitech. There are some questions still answered in their ]https://support.logi.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025341373--FAQ-Flight-System-G940 FAQ]
Firmware updates
If you download their latest driver there is a firmware update in C:\Program Files\Logitech\Gaming Software\FW
There is somebody releasing new firmwares for this thing. The latest was released in June. You can download them at Fred41s Github page and people with experience in using them discuss them on an il2stormovik.com topic
Pedal calibration
Worked it out. In case other people run into a similar problem, here's what I did:
Calibrated the pedals/USB-converter in Windows as usual.
Downloaded "DXtweak2" and used it to change Windows' calibration-values for the X- and Y-axes. Basically, I made both axes' calibration "wider" by doubling the calibration.
The values I used are
Min: 1 Center: 45 Max: 90
Now the stick's input on the X- and Y-axis is read by Windows as full X- and Y-range (from full negative to full positive) - no more "half axes". In the game's mapper, both axes are now recognized and show up "full left" when no brake is applied, "full right" when full brake is applied. I had to set some deadzones to get rid of spiking (I really need to open these pedals and clean the pots, I suppose). But the result looks good now.